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The Operations Page

Check the status of your Connector's Discover & Sync Operations

Updated over a week ago

The Operations Page provides an overview of your connector's Discover & Sync Operations, along with additional details for each. These operations are tracked using a table.

To access a Connector's Operations Page, open Manage Records & Operations for the connector you wish to edit, and then switch to the </> Operations From (tool) tab.

The Operations Table

Each entry on the Operations Table is a record of an operation event, with the following traits:

  • Type describes whether the event was a Sync or a Discover operation.

  • Status describes whether the event ran successfully.

  • Trigger describes how the event was triggered - was it a Scheduled operation which ran automatically, or a Manual operation which was triggered by a DefectDojo user?

  • The Start & End Time of each operation is recorded here, along with the Duration.

Next Steps

  • Learn more about Discover and Sync operations from our guides.

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